
Showing posts from January, 2023


Today was alright nothing special. We learned more about arguments. we did this activity in class where we got an unpopular opinon and wrote a pro, a con and, our compromise paragraph. It was fun listening to everyones opinon. everyones paragraph was well constructed and at the end of class i was not so much tired anymore.

friday :)

  Im Glad its friday. Today we learned how to explain our evidence. We went over this simulated court case on the touchboard and it tought us that even if you do have evidence you would need to explain it. Then we went over a couple of articles on gun violence in atlanta. Then after that we looked at how gun violence in atlanta should be stopped. With my knowledge on explaining evidence i explaned my evidence proficently.


We didnt really learned anything. We did bookwork. We wrote down words and definitions. Nothing really special. Te class was boring so i dont really have anything to talk about. 


Today we dug more in depth of ethos, logos, and pathos. We did a little assignment about it and then looked at commercials. For the commercials we guessed if they were ethos, logos, and pathos. We took more notes about it and i feel like i can put all three into a paper. I honestly am scared for our first essay assignment.


 We went over some old stuff and new stuff. We re learned ethos, logos,and pathos, something we already learned in middle school. We then learned something new. We learned different types of claims. We learned three call claim of value, fact ,and policy. Pretty cool stuff to learn as we learn to make a argumentive essay. These notes should come in handy.


Today was boring. We talked about what was overrated and i said a game called Call Of Duty Black Ops 3. I gave a good cluster to the class and it was good. Besides that i was bored and tired. I cant wait to get out of school.

Overrated cluster



Today we learned more about writing. We learned about lisitng and free writing. I personally wouldnt use them but there nice to know for variety. Before that we went over our peers job paragraphs. I felt reliable and helpful to my classmates.


 I think the moral lesson of this film is dont let society determine yourself. In the film the girl wears a white mask and is alone all of the film. If you pay attention nobody elses wears this mask. Everyone else is wearing a mask and some have the same colors as others. Once she takes off her masks people then notice her for who she is under the mask. 

Writing :)

Today we did a writing practice. Before that we did take some notes down about body paragraphs. Mr. Rease tought us to cut our body paragraphs into 7 sentences. we used our cluster for the writing practice. With this information i feel like i can make better body paragraphs.

My Cluster



Today we learned about the writing process. We learned five steps. The steps were prewriting, drafting ,revising, editing, and presenting. I took good notes and hope they will help me later on. We then learned more about brainstorming with clustering. we did a bubble map in class in order to help us cluster. After all of this i feel more confident in myself to write better.


 Friday finally at last. We went over how to take a multiple choice test. To be honest it was good tips and tricks. Like how if its four choices 2 of them are completly wrong. Then all of the above choice are 50 % correct. Then we went to get our chromebooks inspected. I cant wait to go home.


Today we watched a short film called The Last Three Minutes. It tought me to make a memorable life. Everything wont be so good but that should stop you from having fun and going after what you desire. Next we read a poem by Langston Hughes called I, Too. it was about american equality despite race. If you are american you should be treated equally from other americans. It also was about being proud of where you are born because even though he was being discriminated because of his skin color he still is proud to be an american.

The Last 3 Minutes

The purpose of life is to live a memorable life. Everyone is going to die eventually its just blantant nature. But before you die you can choose to have fun or not. Now all of life will not be fun sometimes it will be bad but it should not let you have fun. Try to make the best of your life so that it will become memorable in your last moments.


Today we read a poem called Mother to Son by Langston Hughes. It was a nice poem that tought me to never give up. we also analyzed the text and got into a deeper meaning of the lines. After that we had to do long and boring questions. At the end of the period i understand that life gets hard and to never give up.


In Mr.Rease class today we read a poem by Langston Hughes. It was call The Negro Speaks Of Rivers. it was really short. one of the theme we found from it was "black people are not second class citizens". After that Mr.Rease asked us of our Eithncity. If i would have to guess mines would be black decent from my mother side and european from my father side. I dont know really know at all.

The Best Advice

 The best advice my mother has given me has to be "Life is going to be hard so become strong in order to overcome hardships that the world gives you." I complained to my mom about how stressful it is with a job and school and how it takes alot of my time. I followed this advice and started to become more mentally stronger. i dont burnout as fast as i did before and i keep my grades up. I also try to find time for myself as i prepare to plan before my days off. The advice she gave to me will always live with me as i progress with life.


 we started on our blogs today. we watched the a short film it tought us a valuble lesson. we did a kahoot about Mr. rease which was fun and made me get to know him a little more. The pre test we took today was long and boring. I almost went to sleep reading the passages.

The Elevator Short Film

i just watched the short film The Elevator and it was pretty good. i like the sense of karma in this short film. i like that it took place all in this building elevator it shows that it can happen on a normal day. I dont have any thing i dont like about this film. The two main themes of this short film would most likely in order to get to the top it will be a difficult journey. The other one would be dont judge a book by its cover. 


My name is Charles Pruitt. I plan on chasing a career in computer science or programming. My hobbies consists of playing video games and listening to music. My top 3 favorite music artists are Sewerperson, Skele, and Heylog. My favorite food is beef and broccoli. I want to visit japan because i always thought about sitting under a sakura tree also i can bring home some japanesse snacks and clothing.