
Showing posts from March, 2023


 Today we did these passages on colleges. Mr. Rease told us about the college tuitions and stuff. To put it simply its very very expensive. He told us ways to avoid large student loans. Or just not go to college at all for some careers. I think i should go to trade shool and learn a trade then go to college. I think my trade would be something technology wise like software programming.


 We didnt see Mr rease today. we had a sub and did some busy work. At first i wasnt going to do it. Then i realized this is Mr rease we are talking about he always puts in random grades. So i did the work without going to sleep surprisingly and turned it in.


I hate these passage readings we be doing. Like the topics are cool but i just dont like the stuff after reading the topics. We read this driverless car passage and how it good and bad and now i want a tesla. We had to find 4 claims which was too much. You usually find one and move on i dont know why we needed four this time. These constructed responses are going to kill me on the EOC wish me luck. 


 Today we did a 40 line poem here it is: 


 We did constructed responses today. We did them on this poem i forgot the name of it but it was talking about an poet compared to an acrobat.  The poem extended metaphor caught me off guard as i never seen a metaphor that long. We had ten questions that were intriguing though. We only had to do five but i did them all like the overachiever i am (im not). 


 Today we did a final test on fences. I think i honestly did well since all the questions were comprehension questions. The ending question where we had to write three paragraphs is what killed me. If we did five i dont know if i would of been able to complete it. After i completed it i just sat there and waiting for the bell to ring ready to go home.


We are still doing work for fences. We did a mini project today. I did a trash find for troy maxson. overall i could find or infer most thing but the last ones were hard. i felt like since he had the spotlight alot he would be an easy character to do. I had to list ten items i got to about eight before having to stop and actually think. overall it was a fun time killer 


 Today we didnt really do anything. We were supposed to read a short story but Ms.cook was not here. We did bookwork. It was vocabulary words we did the definitions and wrote sentences with them. We may not have read the story but at least we learned some new words for the eoc exam.


 We got done with the fences movie today. My official rating on this movie would have to be a solid 8.5. The visualization is good, i liked the 1950's feel of the story and how the A&P was shown. The acting for the cory vs troy scene could of been a tad bit better. I feel like there should of been more impact on the initial slap,  it just felt fake. I liked the fact that they kept to the book line from line, But i wish there was more of Troy and Alberta. Maybe some lines with them or some scenes. I just didnt like the outside sources talking about alberta. We never saw or heard her in the book nor movie and that really sucked. Besides that the actors played the characters very well and overall it was a good movie adaptation of the book a solid 8.5 or 9.


We watched the movie adaptation of fences today. Also we finished the boring illuminate questions friday. We watched the first half of the movie and it was exactly like the book wordwise. Its nice to get a visual of the background and the characters. I love the visuals of the 50's in the movie. I can't wait to watch the other half.


Today we did some discussion questions after finishing fences. It was a pretty lacklustered ending. Troy dies in the end and cory goes in the marines. He came back for troy's funeral. At first he was resistant about going but by the end he goes anyway. The questions were alot with some of them being the legit same. we didnt finish it though we would do them tomorrow.


 Today was an exciting period. Fences went off today. The climax was expected but pretty crazy still. Troy has a second kid by another woman! I feel like now rose and troy are not together anymore the house is going to be quiet of dysfunctional. With cory leaving i feel its going to be more quiet. But with rose there its going to feel weird since there not together anymore.


 Today was a continuation of the fences book. We was given a claim sheet that we had to fill out before the end of the period. We read another scene and it was good to read. Then we filled out the claim sheet. we had to make three claims on 4 characters. We created alot of theories about the characters. i hope some of them get solved.


 Today we continued reading fences. We read two scenes from the book and met new characters. The new characters were Gabriel and cory. Cory is troy's son while gabriel is troy's brother. We get to learn more of Troy background. We learn that he lives off his brother's disabilty check and thats the reason he has house now.


 Today we read a book called fences by August willson. we was also given a annotation sheet about the book to fill out. We met characters like Troy,Rose and even more. The story was interesting with its slang back then in its time. we got a theme in the first scene already. Mr. Rease told us this will take us 5 days to complete so my next blog would most likely continue this.


 We were not in Mr rease class for today. 


 we didnt do anything today. we got in the classroom and took our benchmark assesment for the whole period.


 Today was another poem annotation. This poem was about nothing good lasts forever. The poem was short so doing the annotation sheet was hard. For my personal connection i said it reminds me of my first girlfriend or love interest. We parted ways and i had another love interest like seasonal changes like the the poem was describing. I finished it after the fire drill we had so i didnt have to do it for homework.


 Today we did another annotation sheet. It was by Robert Frost again and this time it was a poem called birches. We did learn that the man was stressing with adulthood or the reality of the world. The man wanted to leave earth but also come back. So he decided he would want to go back to his childhood. He would want to go back swinging on trees. Going back to his childhood would make him feel like his life would be reset. I do fall victim to this too as when i think about reseting i play on my xbox like i did when i first got my xbox 360.


We did a poem annotation today. We got a sheet this time and it was way better than doing it on the paper. It feels more neat and organizable. Mr. Rease helped us with like 75% of it. It was easy doing the rest of it so i got done within the first five minutes. After that we had donuts and chilled for the rest of the period.


Today the second half of the students presented there project. While presenting we went to go to a parade. me and raeshaun talked for a min then walked back to the room. after that we did bookwork and learned some more vocabulary. I think my favorite word from all the bookwork vocab we did is debacle. 


 Today we presented our literature circles. I was the connector and I presented my connections i made yesterday. The class thought i did pretty good and i was happy that it wasn’t a flop. I think it was because my connections were simple and easy to explain. I think im going to get a good grade on my rubric.


Today we did a literacy circle. We all had different parts mine was a connector. We did this circle on the same passage we did yesterday. As a connector i had to make connections with me and the story. i made connections with being terrified and also thing being automatic. i made one paragraph on each connection and will present it friday.